Thursday, April 24, 2008


today i met an angel.  her name is krista and she's olivia's new friend.  i've been hearing about krista since january, but never got much more information about her.  one day, while olivia was talking about school, i asked which girl krista was.  there is a major boy shortage in her class, so pinpointing krista was going to be difficult.  olivia responded, "she's the girl in the wheelchair mommy.  she doesn't talk, because she can't, but i know what she's thinking."

i stopped making ham roll-ups, turned around and saw olivia totally sure of herself sitting at the table with a grin.  "how do you know what she's thinking?" i asked.  "i can tell by her eyes," she said.  tears welled up in my own eyes and i gave thanks right than and there for how insightful and authentic my 5 year old daughter is.  "i think i want to have krista over to play," she said.  "that's a great idea, liv."

i met krista today.  i was standing and talking with another mom outside, when krista rolled out into the sunshine in her purple wheelchair with her mom.  my eyes diverted straight to her and i'm not even sure what else the other mom said.  i excused myself after olivia said, "mom, there's krista!" and we walked over to her together.  

angels come in all shapes, sizes and colors but this one has long and silky golden blond hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes.  her mom (angel #2) was warm and sweet but had a toughness about her that was unmistakable.  this woman could and does handle anything and everything.  we stood and talked for a long while.  i found myself stroking krista's hair as i talked with her mom.  it didn't seem to bother the mom-almost like she was used to people being drawn to krista.  there is just something about her that makes you sense the very presence and extravagant grace of God.

we walked to our cars together and i asked if krista could come over to play.  her mom said if olivia could come there, that would be easier.  olivia is looking forward to it.  so am i.  a playdate with an angel.  i can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon.