so, i'm back. and i've been missing in action for good reason and i promise that this post will have been worth the wait.
miss evelyn asher yanez was born october 16th at 6:16 in the morning. she weighed in at a chubby 8 lbs. and was a stout 19 3/4 inches long. she has blue, blue eyes that she'll be sure to keep and is practically hairless compared to the other kids, but what is there will be light like sam's.
she hates to be cold, loves to be swaddled, nurses without falling asleep, takes forever to burp, is more alert than i've ever seen a newborn, smiles at her mama, can sleep through any noise and is an absolute gift from above.
i promise to write more often now that i'm a one human body and brain again. but i don't promise that it will be brilliant as i'm completely sleep deprived. so be patient. baby steps.