Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Proud Moment

this is a video from this past summer that i just figured out how to download.  another mom recognized ethan up there and took this for us.  ethan and olivia took part in an arts camp at our church.  the last night they had a performance that included hundreds of kids role playing.  they could choose a "role" themselves and the leaders brilliantly put it all together.  the very last scene was ethan and his buddies representing each branch of the military.  they got quite an applause from the crowd.  a proud moment for ethan and for us.  

olivia was there too, but in a behind the scenes art role.  she produced lots of artwork that hung in the "gallery" including an awesome dog painting that's going in our dog/cat kids' bathroom.  the night was capped off with cream puffs and coffee for the parents.  then we got to carry out flower pots filled with perennials to plant somewhere in the yard as a permanent reminder of what they learned.  that God's fingerprints are all over and they were made to leave a fingerprint on the earth as his kids.