i met vickie first. she was my children's pastor, but more than that she and i instantly connected on a girlfriend level. i remember sitting in her office and feeling like i could be the authentic, strung out, stressed out mom that i was. i didn't have to button up and be perfectly "churchy" just imperfectly human and i didn't need to pretend to know every bible story my kids were learning with her that month. i think she saw a need in me that she knew the ya ya's could fill. there were just two rules she said: you have to be broken and you have to be fun. i fit the bill.
she got cancer and it came back and then it came back again. but on wednesdays, her cancer was never invited in. we were ya ya's first, fighting cancer got put on the back burner until we were done ya ya-ing. and then it was at the forefront of our prayers, the next doctor's appointment or scan on all of our calendars. waiting for tumor markers. waiting to see if the new meds worked. praying for it to just go away-a miracle. we prayed for miracles. but it just didn't happen. and he took her. and it was not even a year after walking on the beach and eating blackberries and shrimp and shopping with pirates.
and now it's just three. we are still ya ya's but in a new chapter. still in shock that she's not on her couch, feet tucked under her, glasses on, reading next to the fire with patches cleaning herself on her doggie bed. i got an email from greg her hubbie using their shared account the other day, with her name as the sender. i gasped and got really excited and then realized what i was thinking and started to cry. okay, vickie. you've been gone long enough. come back now. answer your cell phone damnit. just one more conversation. there's so much i want to say, but none of it was ever unsaid. i just want to say it again. right now. in the context of knowing it will be the last time. all drama-ful and 4-ish.
one of the last conversations we had she told me to use my gifts. that whatever i do, i have to figure out what that means in my life. ya ya's never give each other the answers, but speak truth in love into each other's lives. so, she left me with this cliff hanger. and if it takes till my last breath on this earth, i'll honor her request. i'd really have loved a bit more direction, clues, well, the answer. growing hurts. she knew it better than anybody.
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