let me catch you up. we've been busy. over the last six months marcus accepted a new job in colorado, i single parented in his absence for four months juggling soccer games, school projects and the dreaded dinner hour solo, sold our house in 23 days in the worst real estate market ever, did christmas, did new years, drove from illinois to our new home with four kids, my sister, a cat and a tortoise, got pregnant about five minutes after our arrival, managed to unpack all but four boxes, we painted a bathroom, laundry room and the boys room, settled three kids into three different schools, had the stomach flu run it's course with every single member of the family and ended up in the hospital on i.v. fluids after throwing up 15 times a day for 5 days straight.
am i loving colorado? let's just say i haven't had time to look up yet. but when i do catch a glance of the mountains (they're hard to miss), i get a sense of belonging and
promise. i'm not at all sure what my journey entails here. i've never been one of those people who knew from the age of six what i wanted to "do". i'm not even sure i have one particular "calling". i recently prayed for god to dazzle me with what's next. to put it up in lights. to scream it so loud, i couldn't miss it. sometimes i can be so frenetic, i think i miss him. frustrating, but i'm learning to be still. what i do know is that i'm excited about the prospect of actively waiting. and while i wait, daily life is preparing me for everything from being a drill instructor to a manicurist. being a mother is certainly a calling, but i don't think i was put on this earth to solely repopulate the foothills of the rocky mountains. although, we've got a good start. i'm just going to do the next thing. live in the moment. look towards the mountains. listen for god's whisper. or wait for the light show.
Love it - I think you've found your calling - you can write sister!
Loooking forward to the ride!
Hi Lauren, I love your blog. Thanks for sending it to me. I feel like I have a glimpse into your life in Colorado. Thanks for sharing about Vicki. I knew that she was important to you, but it was inspiring to hear about your relationship and the ya ya's. I hope to see you at Ashley's wedding in May or some time this summer. love ya, millie
I Loved your beautiful writing - so expressive, so honest - so YOU! Sorry I've not been in touch - a little too "frenetic" and self-absorbed. Life can be that way. We miss you and your beautiful family - hope that your dreams come true and that life is wonderful in the expanse of nature - how could it not be???
Thanks for sharing your Vickie thoughts - she is so terribly missed, but left us with such an amazing example of grace and life -lived to it's fullest!
What a great "catch up" of where you've been, where you're at and where you're going. I'll look forward to checking on your Colorado family via your blog from now on. Hugs and kisses all around to you, Marcus and the kids. Love, M
Hi Lauren,
This is my second blogging attempt-don't know where the first message went.
There were times in your relationship with Vickie/with Vickie and MY grandchildren that i felt displaced, replaced and outclassed. But then I met her and was moved by a "something special" about her. I saw how Vickie was becoming important in your life through the aliveness and humor and the groundedness I saw developing there. How could I be resentful or jealous of someone who could be such a catalyst for growth in a daughter I love more than life. So I relaxed and "moved over to make room." Each time I heard Vickie stories or our paths crossed it was easy and always a pleasure and that surprised me! Once Vickie thanked me for sharing my grandchildren-"oh no. The more that love them the better" I think I replied. Actually, I count your sister and myself as second string ya-ya's largely from the occasionaly Wednesday night babysittings or the Florida trip babysitting. The stories, pictures and your glow were additional benefits for the second stringers. Vickie will live on in the truth,loving and giving she modeled in her life that touched us. And if we are lucky changed our lives in similar ways.
Your writing has been award winning since grade school. In fact even before you could put pen to paper or fingers to keys your imagination was evident. Like the Show and Tell story in kindergarten about the St Bernard puppy we were getting and my pregnancy.
Next time I won't be so wordy but it is hard to get your attention when Vickie's holler monkeys/my grandchildren are clamoring.
I love you, Mom
It was wonderful to read your blog and share a little of your life, I felt like we were having coffee together again. It is truly the words you would have spoke in person... I miss hearing them. I am proud of you for doing this and excited about hearing of your adventures to come! Love you and God bless, Kristin
Hi Lauren,
I finally had a chance to read your blog. I didn't know there is a new baby on the way! I can't wait to tell Katie. We miss you SO much.....and not a day goes by that I don't think about Vickie, and miss her and like you said just want to talk to her once more. Why do people we love have to leave us? I have alot of ?'s for the Big Guy someday.....
I love the book you are working on.
I hope you feel better. We will be praying for you.
Hug that family for us.
Love you more than springtime!
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