january 2nd: closing for westchester house.
january 4th: closing for colorado springs house.
january 13th: cheyenne mountain zoo.
january 17th: souled out (youth group for sam) 7 p.m.
january 31st: baseball sign-up for ethan 5-8 p.m.
february 13th: ethan to dr. lydiatt for spacer 3:30.
february 25th: first day of school.
february 26th: we lost miss vickie.
february 28th: leave for IL.
march 1st: marcus and kids to monarch skiing.
march 2nd: home from IL.
march 7th-9th: sam church winter camp.
march 14th: family carnival night at school.
march 19th: 12:45 o.b. appt.
march 22nd: nephew jacob born.
march 24th: spring break.
march 28th: dentist for marcus, sam and ethan 10 a.m.
march 29th: marcus' birthday.
april 4th: art walk in old colorado city.
april 5th: ethan's first baseball game.
april 6th: baseball.
april 8th: baseball.
april 11th: baseball.
april 12th: baseball.
april 14th: yep, baseball (you get the idea).
april 24th: 9:45 o.b. appt.
may 2nd: baseball.
may 3rd: lunch with Sandor and Faith.
may 4th: olivia to birthday party 2 p.m.
may 5th: ethan reading evaluation.
may 6th: olivia reading evaluation.
may 15th-20th: marcus to CA for lindsay's graduation.
may 16th: ethan field day
may 17th: olivia to birthday party 12:30.
may 22nd: ultrasound 11 a.m.
may 28th: last day of school.
may 30th-june 8th: grandma's here!
june 9th: fingerprints of god camp 8:40 a.m.
june 11th: lauren-palooza (my birthday).
june 17th: 1:30 o.b. appt.
june 19th-22nd: visit chelsea and family in IL.
june 23rd-27th: vacation bible school.
june 30th: aunt hoodoo here!
july 3rd: audrey's 2nd birthday cookout.
july 4th: parade in monument.
july 8th: our anniversary.
july 15th: ultrasound 10:15 a.m.
july 17th: piano lessons 3:30 p.m. (every thursday)
july 22nd-26th: kate and girls here!
july 25th: barb and cassie overnight!
july 26th: block party.
july 30th: donovan's 3rd birthday 3 p.m.
august 2nd: sam 5k 8 a.m.
august 5th: sam dentist 9 a.m.
august 7th: olivia swallowed a marble.
august 11th: greg and the kids here!
august 14th: ethan's first day.
august 15th: sam's first day.
august 16th: olivia's 6th birthday.
august 18th: o.b. appt. 1 p.m.
august 22nd: olivia's first day of school.
august 30th: art fest in manitou.
september 3rd: o.b. appt. 10:45.
september 4th: band outing to ute valley park.
september 5th: picture day.
september 10th: cub scouts for ethan 6 p.m.
september 15th: pack meeting 6:30 p.m.
september 17th: o.b. appt. 11:15 a.m.
september 18th: marlen here for lunch, sam small group.
september 20th: michelle's due date.
september 21st: ethan to archery with cub scouts.
september 22nd: race night for landsharks.
september 23rd: sam's 13th birthday, pack meeting.
september 24th: baby shower for us at breaux's.
september 25th: sam cross country meet, cub scouts.
september 28th: ethan to birthday party 1 p.m.
october 4th: cub scouts 2 p.m.
october 6th: sam wrestling.
october 8th: mother goose day olivia.
october 10th: due date, end of first quarter.
october 13th-17th: fall break.
october 16th: evelyn is born at 6:16 a.m.
october 17th: grandma here, cub scouts 7 p.m.
october 18th: work day at fort carson 8:30 a.m.
october 23rd: starfield concert 7 p.m.
october 24th: audrey storytime 10:30, trunk or treat.
october 31st: auntie pam here! halloween.
november 2nd: grandma leaves.
november 4th: band concert 6:30 p.m.
november 7th: ethan's 8th birthday!
november 8th: veteran's day parade 10 a.m.
november 11th: wrestling meet for sam.
november 13th: wrestling meet.
november 14th-16th: sam to denver for dare to share.
november 17th: evelyn to dr. bower 2 p.m.
november 20th: check up with o.b. 11 a.m.
november 21st: olivia's thanksgiving program 2 p.m.
november 22nd: olivia to birthday party 1 p.m.
november 24th: thanksgiving break, aunt lindsay here!
november 26th: ethan to dr. lydiatt tooth pulled.
november 26th-30th: all here for thanksgiving!
december 4th: parents to youth group with sam.
december 6th: scouts caroling.
december 10th: scout xmas party, olivia see play with liz.
december 11th: "scrooge" at church 7 p.m.
december 13th: ethan party 11:30-2, olivia 12:00-2:00.
december 16th: band concert 7 p.m.
december 18th: ethan christmas party 2:30.
december 19th: olivia christmas party 2:00.
december 22nd-27th: aunt hoodoo here!
december 23rd: to manitou with hoodoo.
a new crisp black planner sits in front of me. it's pages are empty, but filling up quickly as fliers and reminders and current school calendars come home. in between all of these appointments and activities and celebrations we're making countless trips to the grocery store, planning menus, bandaid applications, loads of dishes in and out of dishwasher at least twice a day, referee-ing sibling rivalries, overseeing a two year old with play-doh, mom's taxi trips to friends' houses, monitoring online activity, clipping coupons, nursing 8 times a day, packing lunches, feeding the cat, doling out chores, planning school projects, cleaning out the car. busy. we're just so, so busy. and, somewhere in these days, we've made the good stuff a priority. we've vowed to keep these things first: loving each other, laughing together, grieving together, having real conversations, becoming experts at the art of discipline (of self and others:), using teachable life moments, experiencing life moment by moment, that is when it doesn't seem to be flying by.
marcus and i hope that your new year is filled with love. in all your moments. well, maybe that's not very realistic at the dentist's office. but in between all the other stuff. may God bless you and find you in all of your busy-ness. vickie used to tell me to stop trying to run ahead of God. if you knew her, you'd know that she moved at lightening speed. but never without the ability to sit down and listen and be in the moment. she'd take her reading glasses off, fold them in her hand and be in the moment. may we all learn to take off our glasses to really see this year.
"be still and know that i am."