our second little man turned 9 on saturday. 9 is one of those ages that you clearly remember and i think really enjoy. there are some childhood development experts that call children between the ages of 9-12 "tweens". not sure we're ready to sign on to that, sigh.
nine things about this nine year old in a nutshell: he loves any/all sports, scouting, shooting things with his brother's bb gun, has teeth that seem too big for his mouth, excels in school especially history, is begging for a bearded dragon (ugh), moves entirely too much, has doubled his appetite and is playing the piano almost completely by ear much to the dismay of his theory driven piano teacher.
nine names that this nine year old knows: teenie, teenst, "e", bean, mr. greenbrains, cranium, "bwotha" (audge), one of the "middles" and ethan ames yanez, on those special occasions.
our ethan. nine to the zillionth power wonderful.